Tingkat Adopsi Teknologi True Shal- lot Seed di Kecamatan Klambu, Kabupaten Grobogan
1 Jurusan Magister Agribisnis, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang
2 Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang
Email korespondensi: pusdima.rahma@gmail.com
2 Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang
Email korespondensi: pusdima.rahma@gmail.com
The productivity of shallot in Grobogan Regency is still low because the use of su-
perior varieties is limited. The deployment of superior shallot seed technology that
profitable is widely unknown to farmers. This research aims to analyze the adoption
rate of true shallot seed (TSS) technology and the influence of internal and external
factors of onion farmers on the adoption of TSS technology. The study was conducted
in Klambu District, Grobogan Regency from July to August 2017 by interviewing 100
farmers who selected using multistage sampling. Data were analyzed using the descrip-
tive method and logistic regression. The results showed that the adoption rate of TSS
technology in Klambu District, Grobogan Regency was in a high category. Farmer’s
age, land tenure status, cosmopolitan rate, frequency of interaction with extension agent, and institutional support significantly influenced TSS technology adoption.
perior varieties is limited. The deployment of superior shallot seed technology that
profitable is widely unknown to farmers. This research aims to analyze the adoption
rate of true shallot seed (TSS) technology and the influence of internal and external
factors of onion farmers on the adoption of TSS technology. The study was conducted
in Klambu District, Grobogan Regency from July to August 2017 by interviewing 100
farmers who selected using multistage sampling. Data were analyzed using the descrip-
tive method and logistic regression. The results showed that the adoption rate of TSS
technology in Klambu District, Grobogan Regency was in a high category. Farmer’s
age, land tenure status, cosmopolitan rate, frequency of interaction with extension agent, and institutional support significantly influenced TSS technology adoption.
Keywords: adoption, farmers, technology, true shallot seed
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