Pengkajian Daya Saing dan Dampak Kebijakan Terhadap Usahatani Padi dan Jeruk Lahan Gambut Kabupaten Barito Kuala Kalimantan Selatan
Muhammad Husaini
Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Jln. Jend. A. Yani Km 36 PO Box 1028 Banjarbaru 70714
Paddy and citrus are promoted commodities by the government of Barito
Kuala district. This can be seen from the various policies for this commodities.
The result of policy analysis matrix (PAM), paddy is competitive in domestic
market, however it is not competitive in global market. Citrus beside has
competitiveness in domestic market, it is also has competitiveness in global
market. The government policy which has been given that commodities is
providing production incentive to farmer of paddy and citrus. Paddy to
competitive, relatively depend to government subsidy especially fertilize and
seed, whereas orange relative not depend to government subsidy.
Kuala district. This can be seen from the various policies for this commodities.
The result of policy analysis matrix (PAM), paddy is competitive in domestic
market, however it is not competitive in global market. Citrus beside has
competitiveness in domestic market, it is also has competitiveness in global
market. The government policy which has been given that commodities is
providing production incentive to farmer of paddy and citrus. Paddy to
competitive, relatively depend to government subsidy especially fertilize and
seed, whereas orange relative not depend to government subsidy.
Keywords : competitiveness, government policies
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