
Financial Analysis of Cattle Production in the Cooperative Integrated Agribusiness in Subak Guama Tabanan Regency



Prodi Agribisnis (Ekstensi) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana
Jl. PB. Sudirman Denpasar 80232 Bali
*) Email : riayusuf@ymail.com

The prospects of entrepreneur in Bali every year is very bright since there is
an increase demand for beef Bali. The purpose of this study is to determine the
feasibility of Bali cattle managed by cooperatives Subak Guama financially and to
identify the constraints faced in implementing cattle fattening. The choice of
location in this study using purposive sampling method on feedlot Balinese. Once all
the required data collected, then analyzed using investment criteria are: NPV, Net B /
C Ratio, IRR and sensitivity analysis. The study found that NPV = 13.115.654,93;
B/C Ratio = 1,10; IRR = 2.667.924,53 and Sensitivity Analysis found that NPV =
7.815.750,31; BC Ratio = 1,05; IRR = 1.355.283,00 if the total cost increase. NPV =
-22.677.658,61; BC Ratio = 0,77; IRR = -6.128.301,89 if the gross benefit decrease.
The problem faced economic problem and social problem. With the establishment of
the Cooperatives there is a positive impact for the community Batannyuh village,
such as the number of people who become employees of the Cooperative, and
avoiding farmers from debt bondage system, which allows farmers to sell their crops
to the Cooperatives, there by increasing farmers' income. Efforts can be made by the
cooperatives to increase livestock production by seeking manufacturing cows
themselves that the cost of purchasing the seeds can be saved. In addition, to increase
the income of farmers, the farmer should grow their own forage,so that production
costs could be minimized.

Keywords : financial, production, agribusiness

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