

 Mutiara Novitaria Sipayung1*, Fitria Dina Riana2

1 Mahasiswa Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

2 Dosen Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

*penulis korespondensi: mutiara_sipayung@ymail.com


Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the most important food commodity in Indonesia. But the
amount of production still can not meet demand. Agricultural potential in the village
Petiyintunggal namely rice crops, corn, green beans, and some types of horticultural crops.
Cropping systems of rice used by rice farmers in the village of Petiyintunggal most still use the
system of rice cultivation in conventional, so the inputs used in the cultivation process is still
much that costs too many objectives of this research are: (1) illustrates the differences in the
technology used by farmers farming rice using a microorganism local farmers who do not use
local microorganisms in the village Petiyintunggal, District Dukun, Gresik; and (2) to analyze
the amount of production, of the cost, acceptance, and the income of farmers whose paddy
farming using local microorganisms and farmers who do not use local microorganisms in the
village Petiyintunggal, District Dukun, Gresik. The method used is the analysis of farming.
The results of the research in the village Petiyintunggal, District Dukun, Gresik regency
obtained as follows: (1) The activities undertaken in farming in the village Petiyintunggal,
District Dukun, Gresik regency began in November 2015 and March 2016. The purpose of the
local microorganisms on paddy rice farming is optimizing natural resources are there to
maintain the stability of ecosystems and towards sustainable agriculture. (2) The use of local
microorganisms in paddy rice farming provide significant income difference to farmers who
do not use local microorganisms ie the difference between the revenue of Rp 4,550,504, -.
Income of local farmers using micro-organisms higher in comparison with farmers who do not
use local microorganisms.

Keywords: Local microorganisms, conventional, cost, revenue, revenue.

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