
Let’s start our wall magazine! BAG 1


Work in your group. Use the following table to write the students’ suggestions, and their agreement and disagreement with the suggestions. Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. Some examples have been done for you. Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly. While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly,  and correctly. Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. First, copy the examples.

Work in your group. There are some situations where Dayu, Siti, Lina, Edo, Beni, and Udin talk and give and respond to suggestions. Think of what you would say if you were them. Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. Hand-write your preparation on a piece of paper. Then, play the roles of the speakers. Say the speakers’ sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. Two situations have been done for you. First, copy the examples.

I will lead you to reflect on what you are learning now. Complete the statements in the box. Hand-write your answers. Then present them to the class orally.

You have learned to give suggestions, or seharusnya in Bahasa Indonesia, with the modal verb ‘should’ and some other expressions. Now you will learn to state a strong necessity, or harus, such as in rules. Dayu, Siti, Edo, and Udin are telling us some rules of their school. They are telling us what the students must do and must not do during the school hours. Let’s read and say their sentences together, loudly, clearly, and correctly. First, repeat after me.

Work in your group. Identify the rules stated by the four students. Hand-write your sentences on a piece of paper. Underline every verb which shows you what the students must or must not do. Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly. As examples, Siti’s sentences have been rewritten here for you. First, copy them. While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly,  and correctly. Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me

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