
Pengaruh Blockholder Ownership dan Firm Size terhadap Kebijakan Hutang Perusahaan [JURNAL]

Pengaruh Blockholder Ownership dan Firm Size
terhadap Kebijakan Hutang Perusahaan

Ruly Wiliandri

Fakultas Ekonomi Universiats Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang
Email: ruly_wiliandri@yahoo.com, Telp. 081333323577

Abstract: This research purpose to analysis influences of the blockholder ownership and firm size
to policy of company debt which consist of LQ-45. This Research use blockholder ownership and
firm size to the represent independent variable, and variable independent is debt to equity ratio
(DER). The data used are secondary data, published by the annual financial report. This research
population is company which included in LQ-45 in the year 2007 until year 2009. With purposive
sampling teechnique obtained a sampel of 57 company fulfilling criterion as sample. Model analysis
taken is regression analysis. The result of research is indicate that by blockholder ownership do
not have a significant influence to policy of company debt. But firm size has a significant to policy
of company debt
Keywords: blockholder ownership, firm size, debt to equity (DER)


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