

Agus Muqorobin dan Moech. Nasir
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Jalan A. Yani Tromol Pos 1, Kartasura, Jawa Tengah Indonesia Telepon: +62- 0271-717417 Psw. 211, 229
Fax. 715448, Surakarta 57102).
E-mail: agusm@yahoo.com

Diterima 22 Agustus 2008 /Disetujui 14 Februari 2009

Abstract: This research analyzed the performance of finance of KUD South Banyudono which
is relied on by financial statement of KUD period 2002-2006. As for this research target to
know the finance efficiency of KUD South Banyudono tend to go up or descend and to analyze
the finance performance of KUD South Banyudono during last five year, evaluated from ratio
analysis finance covering ratio liquidity, leverage and profitability. The result of research indi-
cate that the fund management of KUD South Banyudono have fulfilled the efficient criterion
seen from its finance ratio analysis during period 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and finance
performance of KUD South Banyudono evaluated from ratio analysis its finance have good
enough Pursuant to analyzed the ratio that is liquidity, leverage, and profitability indicate
that the finance performance of KUD South Banyudono not yet efficient, that is not yet owned
the cash which liquid, too much debt, and ability print the low profit.
Keywords: ratio liquidity, ratio leverage, profitability ratio, finance performance


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