


Wimbo Sasono, Laksono Bagus Sasmito, Miftakhur Rochmah
Department of Ophthalmology Medical Faculty Airlangga University / Dr.Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya

Objective: To report an unusual case and successful management of intralenticular foreign body extraction
followed by phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in penetrating injury patient. Methods: Case
report, a thirty four years old woman was referred from Sidoarjo general hospital with penetrating injury in the righteye pricked by copper wire 4 hours before coming to the hospital. Visual acuity in right eye was finger counting in the 2 metres. Ophthalmologic examination showed vulnus ictum in the upper eyelid. Subconjunctival hemorrhage and anterior intralenticular yellowish foreign body was identified with slit - lamp examination. Patient was admitted to the hospital for planning foreign body extraction with local anesthesia. We had done intralenticular foreign body extraction followed by phacoemulsification procedure with intra ocular lens implantation. Result: Best corrected visual acuity ( BCVA ) in the right eye improved as it became 5/5 with S-1.25 C-1.50 A 90o. Systemic steroid had been successfully tappered off without any sign of inflammation in the anterior segment until minimal dose ( 1 X 4 mg ) as it was needed to control the inflammation reaction. Conclusion: Foreign body extraction followed b phacoemulsification procedure may give good result for penetrating injury with foreign body inside the lens.
Keywords: intralenticular foreign body, foreign body extraction, phacoemulsification.
Correspondence: Laksono Bagus Sasmito, c/o: Departemen/SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Mata Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Airlangga/RSU Dr. Soetomo. Jl. Mayjend. Prof. Dr. Moestopo 6-8 Surabaya 60286. E-mail:

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